What is Reishi?

What is Reishi?
1 Min Published on 23 March 2022

What is reishi?

Reishi is an adaptogenic mushroom. It is cultivated in Asian regions. It is the mushroom of longevity. It has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. Reishi is called "ling zhi" in Chinese, which means "the plant of the spirit".

The properties of reishi

Reishi is used for its many benefits. It strengthens the immune system and fortifies the body in the long term. Finally, it reduces insomnia and strengthens the heart and respiratory system.

How to use reishi?

This super food can be consumed in different ways: by tasting it, in decoction or as a food supplement.

Reishi as a food supplement

In this form, its benefits are enjoyed on a daily basis thanks to an optimal concentration of its virtues, with a perfect dosage.

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