NOUVEAUTÉ Poudre Collagène & Vitamines+ : peau, corps, articulations.

EN CADEAU 3 paires de Patchs yeux Hydra-collagène offertes dès 99€ d'achat.
Valeur 27.00€.

EN CADEAU 6 paires de Patchs yeux Hydra-collagène offertes dès 139€ d'achat.
Valeur 54.00€.


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General Terms and Conditions



Les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente sont relatives au site internet (ci-après « le Site ») édité par la société CAFD Solutions, société par actions simplifée à associé unique au capital de 866,12euros dont le siège social est 78 avenue Raymond Poincaré - 75116 Paris, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 829 322 247, dont le numéro de TV intra-communautaire est le FR76829322247(ci-après « le Vendeur » ou « CAFD Solutions »).

Le site internet permet à la société CAFD Solutions de proposer à la vente des compléments alimentaires aux utilisateurs du site et de souscrire à des abonnements à la vente mensuelle de compléments alimentaires.

Article 1. Scope of application 

The purpose of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale is to set out the rights and obligations of the parties to the distance selling contracts ("the Order") made between the Seller and the consumers and/or purchasers ("the Customer" or "the Customers") of the items offered for sale ("the Products") on the Web Site. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply unconditionally and without reservation to all Orders.

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are accessible at all times on the Site and shall prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document as well as any other conditions applicable to sales in shops or through other distribution and marketing channels.

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable are those in force on the Site on the day the Customer places an Order on the Site. By the mere fact of validating an Order on the Site by clicking on the "I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale" button, the Customer declares that he/she has read, understood and accepted, without reservation, the terms of said Order as well as the entirety of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. CAFD Solutions reserves the right to modify the General Terms of Sale at any time. They will then be applicable as soon as they are posted on the Site.

The Customer acknowledges that he/she has the legal capacity required to contract with the Seller. The Seller does not intend to sell the Products on the Site to professionals, but only to consumers or non-professionals for their personal needs. Consequently, the Customer affirms that he/she is acting as a final consumer and does not intend to resell the Products for commercial purposes.

The Seller therefore reserves the right to refuse Orders in large quantities.

Article 2. Accessibility of the Site 

The services of the Site are normally accessible to Customers 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, all year round, except in the event of voluntary or involuntary interruption, in particular for maintenance and/or security purposes or in cases of force majeure. As the Seller is in fact, by virtue of its activity, bound by an obligation of means, it cannot be held responsible for any prejudice of any kind resulting from the unavailability of the Site.

CAFD Solutions does not guarantee that the Site will be free of anomalies, errors or bugs, nor that the Site will function without breakdown or interruption. In this regard, CAFD Solutions may freely determine, at its sole discretion, any period of unavailability of the Site or its content. CAFD Solutions cannot be held responsible for data transmission, connection or network unavailability problems.

CAFD Solutions reserves the right to modify the Site for technical or commercial reasons. When these modifications do not substantially alter the conditions of the provision of services, the Customer may be informed of the modifications, but his acceptance is not requested.

Article 3. Registration on the Site

In order to place an Order, the Customer must first register on the Site by creating an account containing the Customer's details (the "Customer Account").

The Customer's registration on the Site is validated after verification of the standard form completed by the Customer. This form includes certain personal data: surname, first name, delivery address, email address and telephone number. In order to manage the order correctly, the Customer must provide all the information marked as mandatory.

When creating an Account, the Customer must ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete. The Customer is obliged to keep his personal information up to date.

Les informations permettant au Client de s’identifier, telles que l’identifiant et le mot de passe, sont personnelles et confidentielles. Ces informations ne peuvent faire l’objet de modification que sur initiative du Client ou du Vendeur, notamment en cas d’oubli du mot de passe. Le Client est seul responsable de l’utilisation de ses éléments d’identification. Il est tenu de les garder secrets. Toute divulgation de sa part ne saurait en aucun cas être reprochée au Vendeur.

Toute Commande effectuée à l’aide des identifiant et mot de passe du Client est réputée être passée par ce dernier. Le Vendeur ne saurait en aucun cas être tenu responsable des dommages occasionnés par la divulgation de ces données personnelles et confidentielles par le Client et donc de l’utilisation de ces données par un tiers.

The Client receives a registration confirmation email. In the event of an error in the recipient's contact information, CAFD Solutions shall not be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering the Products.

By registering on the Site, the Client declares and warrants to CAFD Solutions that he/she is of legal age and has full legal capacity to contract.

Article 4. Products

The Products offered for sale and the subscriptions are those which appear on the Site on the day the Customer consults the site.

CAFD Solutions takes the utmost care in the presentation and description of its Products in order to provide the Customer with the best possible information. The main characteristics of the Products, including specifications, illustrations, dimensions and properties are presented as accurately as possible on the Site. The photographs and graphics presented on the Site are not contractual and shall not engage the responsibility of the Seller. Despite the best efforts made by the Seller in the photographic representation of the Products on the Site and taking into account the digital presentation of the Products, it is possible that the Customer's perception of the photographic representation of the Products does not correspond exactly to the Products, for which the Seller shall not be held responsible. 

The Products have been declared as food supplements to the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Decree No. 2006-352 of 20 March 2006 on food supplements. The Products present on the Site are food supplements, not medicines, which do not replace a healthy and balanced diet. The Products are not intended to prevent, prevent or cure any disease.

The Customer is solely responsible for knowing his/her needs and state of health. It is the Customer's responsibility to verify, prior to the consumption of the Products, the compatibility of their consumption with their state of health and, if necessary, to seek the advice of a health professional.

All the documents or experimental reports or feedback on the Site are purely informative and do not in any way replace prior consultation with a doctor. The Seller recommends that its Customers strictly follow the advice for use of the Products. Excessive consumption of food supplements may lead to annoying side effects.

Consequently, the Customer undertakes to respect the conditions of use and conservation of the Products. The Customer shall be obliged to take cognisance of these before placing any Order. The Customer shall remain responsible for the choice made once the Seller has provided the Customer with the information required to make this decision.

The Seller undertakes to honour the Order only within the limits of available stocks of Products. These indications are automatically updated in real time.

However, CAFD Solutions shall not be held responsible for any error in this update, regardless of its origin. In this regard, CAFD Solutions shall not be held responsible for the cancellation of an Order for a Product due to the exhaustion of stocks. In the event that Products are not available, the Seller undertakes to inform the Customer.

In the event of the definitive unavailability of one or more Products ordered as part of a Subscription, the Seller undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as possible. The Customer may then obtain a refund of the amount debited from his account. This refund shall be made within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the refund request.

The Seller reserves the right to refuse the Order if it is abnormal, placed in bad faith or for any other legitimate reason, and in particular if there is a dispute with the Customer concerning the payment of a previous order.

Article 5. Ordering method: Single Order and Subscriptions

After the creation of the Customer Account, the Customer's Order may concern the purchase of one or more Products to be delivered once only ("Single Order"), and/or the purchase of a subscription ("the Subscription ") consisting of the dispatch, each calendar month or at the frequency adapted to the Product and mentioned on the Site, of a number of Products chosen by the Customer on the Site, until the Customer or the Seller decides to terminate this Subscription in accordance with the contractual termination conditions provided for in these General Terms and Conditions.

In order to complete the Order, the Customer must complete the following steps:

  1. Dial the Site address ;
  2. Choose the different Products in which he/she is interested and click on "Add to Cart". In the event of prolonged inactivity during the connection, it is possible that the selection of Products and Services chosen by the Customer before this inactivity is no longer guaranteed. The Customer is then invited to restart his selection of Products from the beginning;
  3. Check the elements of the Order by clicking on the "My Basket" section and, if necessary, identify and correct any errors;
  4. Validate the Order, the selected Products, the delivery method and the Order Price (Place the order)
  5. Follow the instructions on the Site to open a Customer Account if one has not already been created.
  6. Follow the instructions of the online payment server to pay for the Order. If the Customer has opted for payment via Paypal, the Customer will be transferred to the electronic payment server. If the payment is made by credit card, the payment will be processed by "STRIPE", a secure and specialised server.

The Customer shall then receive electronic confirmation of acceptance of payment for the Order without delay. The Customer shall also immediately receive an electronic confirmation of receipt of the Order, including the invoice.

The Customer shall receive electronic confirmation of the dispatch of the Order.

Delivery shall take place at the delivery address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order. When carrying out the various stages of the Order mentioned above, the Customer undertakes to comply with the present contractual terms and conditions in application of Article 1316-1 of the Civil Code.

The sale shall be deemed final once the Seller has sent the Customer confirmation of the Order by e-mail and once the Seller has received payment.

Article 6. Subscriptions

Subscription and duration of the Subscription 

The Subscription is concluded for an indefinite period, until terminated by one of the parties under the conditions set out in these General Terms of Sale. By subscribing to the Subscription, the Customer accepts that a monthly direct debit corresponding to the amount of the evolving number of Products chosen by the Customer on the Site will be made by any means of payment offered on the Site. Thus, for the entire duration of the Subscription, the Customer will automatically be debited, each time the Subscription is executed, with the corresponding amount including all taxes.

Modification of the Subscription 

Dans le cadre d’un Abonnement, le Client peut modifier le choix des Produits faisant l’objet de l’Abonnement, son adresse, le mode de livraison ou suspendre son Abonnement en adressant un mail au Vendeur à l’adresse suivante : [email protected], avant l’intervention du prélèvement automatique.

Cancellation of the Subscription :

Termination of the Subscription may be a :

  • Résiliation sans faute : Le Client est engagé pour une période de trois mois au minimum. Une fois passé le deuxième prélèvement, le Client peut à tout moment mettre un terme à son Abonnement sur son espace Compte Client ou en formulant sa demande de résiliation par mail à l’adresse : [email protected]. Le service Client est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h. Si la résiliation intervient après le prélèvement automatique effectué sur le mois, la Commande est réputée conclue pour le mois concerné, le Client ne pourra exiger l’annulation de cette commande en arguant de sa demande de résiliation. Le désabonnement est pris en compte pour le mois suivant. En cas de désabonnement, un Client bénéficiant d’un Abonnement à un prix inférieur dû à son ancienneté, perdra ce privilège et devra payer le tarif en vigueur s’il souhaite se réabonner. Sans action de la part du Client, l’Abonnement est prorogé de plein droit dans les mêmes conditions que pour la dernière Commande.
  • Résiliation pour manquement d’une partie à ses obligations :en cas de non-respect par l'une ou l'autre des parties des obligations de l’Abonnement, celui-ci pourra être résilié au gré de la partie lésée. Il est expressément entendu que cette résiliation pour manquement d'une partie à ses obligations aura lieu de plein droit, la mise en demeure résultant du seul fait de l'inexécution de l'obligation, sans sommation, ni exécution de formalités. La résiliation peut également intervenir à l’initiative du Vendeur dans les conditions prévues à l'article Désactivation de Compte Client des présentes Conditions Générales de Ventes.
  • En toutes hypothèses,il est expressément convenu entre les parties que le débiteur d'une obligation de payer sera valablement mis en demeure par la seule exigibilité de l'obligation.

Article 7. Deactivation of the Customer Account

In the event of non-compliance with the obligations arising from acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, incidents of payment of the price of an Order, provision of incorrect information when creating a Customer Account or acts likely to harm the interests of the Vendor, the Vendor reserves the right to suspend access to the services offered on the Web Site or, depending on the seriousness of the acts, to terminate the Customer's Subscription and Account, after informing the Customer of this by any means, without any right to claim damages or interest.

The Seller also reserves the right to refuse to contract with a Customer who has been excluded or sanctioned for such conduct.

Article 8. Prices 

The prices of the Products and Subscriptions are indicated on the Site, they are mentioned according to the currency indicated on the Site according to the geographical zone, all taxes included, excluding delivery costs.

The price of the Order includes the price of the Products and shows the delivery costs separately. It is indicated inclusive of all taxes.

The price of the Subscription is firm and non-revisable during the entire period of validity of the Subscription. The Seller reserves the right to modify the price of Subscriptions at any time and without notice for future Subscriptions. Subscriptions already taken out will not be affected by any change in the price of the Subscription made after the date of subscription.

Delivery charges may change to take into account a change of address of the Customer. The Seller will notify this as soon as possible.

Article 9. Terms of payment 

Payment for the Order shall be made by any means of payment offered on the Site.

The Seller shall make every effort to protect the Customer's bank details. The electronic payment service is secured in order to protect the data linked to the means of payment. In accordance with the regulations in force, the Customer's bank details are not kept by the Seller.

The Seller shall not be held responsible for any fraudulent use of the payment methods used.

Payments made by the Customer shall not be considered final until the Seller has actually received the amounts due.

Article 10. Deliveries

Delivery areas

The Products are offered for delivery in a geographical area indicated on the Site. This delivery area is subject to change.

In the event that delivery of the Order is not possible in the geographical area requested by the Customer, the Customer shall be informed of this when entering the delivery address for the Order on the Web site.

Les Commandes ne répondant pas à cette condition géographique pourront éventuellement faire l’objet d’une procédure particulière et le Client est invité à s’adresser au Vendeur à l’adresse [email protected] pour en connaître les conditions.

Delivery times

The Seller shall use its best endeavours to ensure that Orders are dispatched to Customers within 24 (twenty-four) hours and 7 (seven) working days of the Order being confirmed, depending on the delivery method chosen by the Customer at the time of placing the Order on the Web Site.

In the case of a subscription, the delivery period starts on the anniversary date of the first Order, or on the date modified by the customer in his/her customer area. 

The Seller shall not be liable for any act of the carrier or any case of force majeure.

Furthermore, the delivery times indicated on the Site are indicative and provided solely for information purposes. They are given in working days and do not include Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.

In the event of a change of address, it is the Customer's responsibility to notify this up to three (3) days before the preparation of the next Order by modifying their details on their personal space on the Site.

Delivery shall be deemed to have taken place when the Product is transferred to the Customer, i.e. when the Customer or a third party designated by the Customer takes physical possession of the Product.

Verification of the Order upon delivery

Upon delivery, it is the Customer's responsibility to check that the Products delivered are free of any defects and to make any handwritten reservations on the delivery slip and complaints to the carrier, directly on the delivery slip in handwritten form accompanied by his signature, or even to refuse the delivery. Within three (3) working days following delivery of the Products, the Customer must confirm the said reservations or complaints to the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and immediately send a copy to the Seller. These reservations must be very precise (which product presents which damage) in order to be taken into account. Failure to file a complaint within the above-mentioned period shall extinguish any action against the carrier. Therefore, any claim related to apparent damage at the time of delivery will not be accepted.

By signing the delivery receipt without expressing any reservations, and accepting the products, the customer acknowledges that he has received the goods without any apparent damage at the time of delivery.

Delivery tracking

The Customer may, at any time, consult the status of his Order on his personal space on the Web Site and via the delivery tracking messages sent to the Customer by the Seller.

Delivery charges

The amount of the delivery charges shall vary according to the weight, volume and fragility of the Order, as well as the carrier chosen by the Seller. The amount of the delivery charges shall be indicated to the Customer at the time of placing the Order and shall be subject to the Customer's approval before the Order is validated.

Article 11. Transfer of ownership 

Le transfert de propriété des Produits du Vendeur au profit du Client, ne sera réalisé́ qu’après complet paiement du prix par ce dernier, et ce quelle que soit la date de livraison desdits Produits.

Conformément à l’article L. 216-4 du Code de la consommation, quelle que soit la date du transfert de propriété́ des Produits, le transfert des risques de perte et de détérioration s’y rapportant ne sera réalisé́ qu’au moment où le Client prendra physiquement possession des Produits, c’est-à-dire, à la livraison.

Article 12. Right of withdrawal

The Customer has a right of withdrawal which he may exercise within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of receipt or collection of the Order, or of the first Order in the case of a Subscription, without having to give any reason or pay any penalty.

If this period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it shall be extended to the next working day. 

La notification de l’exercice du droit de rétractation devra être faite par courrier ou par mail à l’adresse : [email protected] au Vendeur, en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous, en Annexe 1 des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente.

Pour des raisons d’hygiène et de protection de la santé, le Client a l’obligation de renvoyer les Produits dans leur état d’origine, dans leur emballage d’origine, non ouverts, scellés, non utilisés et non portés, au plus tard dans les quatorze (14) jours suivant la notification de sa volonté d’exercer son droit de rétractation au Vendeur. Les frais de retour sont à la charge du Client et ne seront pas remboursés par le Vendeur, sauf accord explicite de ce dernier.

Le remboursement du prix de la Commande sera effectué dans un délai de quatorze (14) jours ouvrés au maximum, à compter de la réception par le Vendeur des Produits retournés par le Client, selon le même mode de paiement que celui utilisé par le Client pour le règlement de la Commande. Le remboursement n’inclut pas les frais de livraison ni les frais de renvoi des Produits (ces derniers s'élèvent à hauteur de 30€ en France, 35€ en Europe et 40€ depuis l'étranger). 

In the event of withdrawal, the sales contract and, where applicable, the Subscription, shall be terminated.

Article 13. Liability - Guarantees

The Products sold on the Site comply with the regulations in force in France. The Client is responsible for checking the condition of the delivered Order.

The Products supplied by the Seller benefit from the right of withdrawal by operation of law and without additional payment, in accordance with the legal provisions defined in Annex 2 to these General Terms of Sale:

  • the Legal Warranty of Conformity, for apparently defective, damaged or spoiled Products or those that do not correspond to the Order:

Within the framework of the Legal Warranty of Conformity provided for in Articles L 217-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of two (2) years from the delivery of the goods to take action against the Seller. He may make his request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The Customer must choose between repairing or replacing the non-conforming Product, subject to the cost conditions set out in Article L. 217-9 of the French Consumer Code and within the limits of available stocks. In the event of a clear difference in cost between the two options, the Seller may impose the cheaper option; the Customer does not have to provide proof of the date on which the defect appeared. If the Seller disputes the application of the guarantee and considers that the defect appeared after the purchase, it is up to him to prove it.

If the Customer makes use of the Legal Warranty of Conformity during the withdrawal period, the latter shall be interrupted. The withdrawal period shall start to run as soon as a new, compliant product is delivered.

  • the Legal Warranty against Hidden Defects resulting from a material, design or manufacturing defect affecting the Products delivered and making them unfit for use:

The Customer may decide to implement the Guarantee against Hidden Defects of the Product within two (2) years of the discovery of the hidden defect in accordance with Article 1641 of the Civil Code. He may make his request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. In this case, he can choose between the resolution of the sale or a reduction of the sale price in accordance with 1644 of the Civil Code.

The Customer is obliged to prove the existence of a hidden defect, i.e. one that is not apparent at the time of purchase, that makes the Product unfit for the intended use or significantly reduces its use, and that exists at the time of purchase.

If the Customer requests a refund for Products delivered with a hidden defect, the refund of the Order Price (including shipping costs) shall be made within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date the Seller receives the Order returned by the Customer. The Customer shall use the return label contained in the Order delivered to him/her and shall not incur any additional costs to return the Product for which the guarantee is being exercised. The refund of the Order Price shall be made by the same method of payment as that used by the Customer to pay for the Order.

By mutual agreement, the Seller's liability may only be incurred by the Customer in the event of proven fault. The Seller may be held liable, under the conditions of common law, for direct and foreseeable damage suffered by the Customer. Indirect damages include loss of data, loss of orders, and expected results.

The Seller's liability is strictly limited to the value of the Order. The Seller shall not be held liable in the following cases:

  • non-compliance by the Customer with the legislation of the country to which the Products are delivered (outside France), which it is the Customer's responsibility to check,
  • in case of misuse of the Products,
  • when used for business purposes,
  • in the event of negligence or lack of maintenance on the part of the Customer, as well as in the event of normal wear and tear of the Product,
  • in the event of an accident
  • or in case of force majeure.

The documents, descriptions and information relating to the Products appearing on the Site are not covered by any warranty, express or implied, except for the warranties provided by law.

Article 14. Intellectual property

The Seller retains ownership of its methods, know-how and intellectual property rights to the Products and their formulas.

Le Vendeur est titulaire notamment de marques et de noms de domaines protégeant la dénomination Dplusforcare et DAY+. Ils sont la propriété exclusive du Vendeur et ne peuvent être utilisés sans son accord. Ce qui signifie aussi que les liens avec d’autres sites sans l’accord du Vendeur sont rigoureusement interdits.

All elements of the Site, whether visual or audio, texts, layouts, illustrations, photographs, videographies, documents and other elements, including the underlying technology, are the property of the Seller and its partners and are protected by copyright, trademarks and patents. Any total or partial reproduction of the elements accessible on the Site is strictly prohibited and is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.

In addition, the Seller remains the owner of all intellectual property rights on the products and their accessories, packaging, brands, logos, graphic charter, design, photographs, videographies, texts, presentations, studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc. The Customer is therefore prohibited from reproducing or exploiting said studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the Seller's express, written and prior authorisation, which may be conditional on financial compensation. The Customer shall therefore refrain from any reproduction or exploitation of the said studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express, written and prior authorisation of the Seller, which may be conditional on a financial consideration.

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale do not imply any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights on all or part of the elements belonging to the Seller or to its partners and third parties who have granted it a licence.

Any reproduction or representation, total or partial, of one of these elements, without the express authorisation of the Seller is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Consequently, the Customer shall refrain from any action and any act that may directly or indirectly infringe the Seller's property rights.

The distribution of the Products shall take place exclusively via the Site, or any other distribution network expressly authorised by the Seller, and with the express prior authorisation of the Seller. The Seller reserves the right to take action against unauthorised distribution of the Products within the limits of applicable law.

Article 15. Personal data

The Seller undertakes to comply with the Regulations relating to the protection of personal data and had made a declaration to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under the number 2164183 when it created its Site.

Within the framework of its commercial relations, the Seller is required to collect and process the personal data of Customers. This information is necessary to ensure the processing, follow-up and delivery of the order, as well as to establish an invoice.

This data is processed in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations relating to data protection and confidentiality, including Regulation No. 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Seller refers to its Data Privacy Policy for full information on the conditions under which it processes the personal data of its Customers, and the rights that Customers have over their data.

In addition, the Customer may register free of charge on the Bloctel telephone marketing opposition list at the following address:

The Site uses cookies and other tracers, which enable the recording of information relating to the navigation of the terminal (computer or smartphone) on the website. 

For more information on the cookies used by the Site, and the possibility of refusing them, the Customer may consult our Cookies policy.

Article 16. Evidence

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded in the Seller's computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

The Customer acknowledges the validity and probative force of electronic exchanges and records kept by the Seller and accepts that these elements have the same probative force as a handwritten document signed by hand.

Article 17. Unforeseen

The Seller and the Customer each waive the right to invoke the provisions of Article 1195 of the Civil Code and the regime of unforeseeable events provided for therein. The Seller and the Customer respectively undertake to perform their obligations even if the contractual balance is upset by circumstances that were unforeseeable at the time of the conclusion of the sale, even if their performance proves excessively onerous, and to bear all the economic and financial consequences thereof.

However, if the change in circumstances unforeseeable at the time of the conclusion of the Subscription is definitive or lasts for more than one month, the present contract will be cancelled in accordance with the terms and conditions defined in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Article 18. Force majeure

The Seller and the Customer shall not be held liable if the non-performance or delay in the performance of any of their obligations is due to a case of force majeure, as defined in Article 1218 of the Civil Code, as well as in the event of an electronic virus, computer attack or disruption of the electricity and/or Internet networks.

The Seller shall be released from his contractual or legal obligations in the event of force majeure which prevents the execution of the contract in whole or in part. The obligations of the Seller shall be suspended for the duration of the force majeure, at the end of which the time limits that were suspended shall start to run again.

Article 19. Safeguard clause

If any of the provisions of this Agreement are declared invalid by virtue of a law or regulation or a final court decision, the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall remain in force.

Article 20: Transfer of rights and obligations

In the event of a total or partial transfer of the Seller's business, the Subscriptions binding the Customer and the Seller and/or their successors and assigns shall remain binding between the Parties. The Subscriptions concluded by the Seller may not be transferred by the Customer without the prior written consent of the Seller.

The Subscriptions, rights and obligations of the Seller may in any case be assigned or transferred without the prior consent of the Customer.

Article 21. Language

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, the French version shall prevail.

Article 22. Applicable law

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the operations arising from them are governed by and subject to French law.

Article 23. Disputes

All disputes to which the purchase and sale operations concluded in application of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale could give rise, concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, consequences and consequences and which could not be resolved amicably between the Seller and the Customer, shall be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

The Customer is informed that, in accordance with Articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, in the event of a dispute, he/she has the right to have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator, with a view to the amicable resolution of the dispute. All information is available on the website of the e-commerce mediator of the Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance (FEVAD): https: // and more precisely at the address: http: // 

The Customer is invited to contact the mediation services:

  • By post to: FEVAD's e-commerce mediator, 60 rue la Boétie - 75008 Paris, or
  • by filling in the online complaint form on the Ombudsman's website (

It is also possible to resolve the dispute through the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution platform at 

Annex 1: Withdrawal form

To exercise your right of withdrawal, please complete the following form and send it by e-mail to send : [email protected] or by post to the following address:

Company CAFD Solutions
78 avenue Raymond Poincaré
75116 Paris


To the attention of CAFD Solutions

I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the Product(s) below: 


Product name


Product 1



Product 2



Product 3




 Order number :

Ordered on :

Received on :

Name of the Client :

Client's address :

Customer's e-mail address :

I certify that the Product(s) are in their original condition, in their original packaging, unopened, unused and unworn.

Date :

Signature (only in case of notification of the form in paper version) : 




Annex 2: Provisions relating to legal guarantees

For all intents and purposes, the following legal provisions are recalled: 

Article L. 217-4 of the French Consumer Code: "The Seller is required to deliver goods that conform to the Subscription and is liable for any defects in conformity existing at the time of delivery. He shall also be liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when the latter was made his responsibility by the contract or was carried out under his responsibility.

Article L. 217-5 of the Consumer Code: "The goods are in conformity with the contract: 1° If it is fit for the purpose usually expected of similar goods and, where applicable (a) if it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities that the seller presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model ;(b) if it has the qualities that a buyer may legitimately expect in the light of public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling; 2. Or if it has the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or is fit for any special purpose sought by the buyer, brought to the seller's attention and accepted by the latter. »

Article L217-7 of the Consumer Code: "Conformity defects that appear within twenty-four months of delivery of the goods are presumed to have existed at the time of delivery, unless proven otherwise. For goods sold second-hand, this period is set at six months. The seller may rebut this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the goods or the lack of conformity claimed. 

Article L217-8 of the Consumer Code: "The buyer is entitled to demand that the goods conform to the contract. However, he may not contest the conformity by invoking a defect that he knew or could not have been unaware of when he contracted. The same applies when the defect originates in materials that he himself supplied.

Article L217-9 of the Consumer Code: "In the event of a lack of conformity, the buyer shall choose between repairing or replacing the goods. However, the seller may not proceed according to the buyer's choice if this choice entails a cost that is clearly disproportionate to the other method, taking into account the value of the goods or the importance of the defect. In such a case, the seller shall be obliged to proceed, unless this is impossible, according to the method not chosen by the buyer.

Article L217-10 of the Consumer Code: "If repair and replacement of the goods are impossible, the buyer may return the goods and have the price returned or keep the goods and have part of the price returned. The same option is open to him: 1° If the solution requested, proposed or agreed upon in application of article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within a period of one month following the buyer's complaint; 2° Or if this solution cannot be implemented without major inconvenience for the buyer, given the nature of the good and the use he is seeking. However, the sale may not be cancelled if the lack of conformity is minor.

Article L217-11 of the Consumer Code: "The application of the provisions of Articles L. 217-9 and L. 217-10 shall take place at no cost to the buyer. These same provisions do not prevent the allocation of damages.  

Article L. 217-12 of the Consumer Code: "The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from the delivery of the goods. 

Article L. 217-16 of the French Consumer Code: "When the buyer asks the Seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee granted to him at the time of the acquisition or repair of a movable good, for a repair covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilisation of at least seven days shall be added to the duration of the guarantee that remained to run. This period shall run from the date of the buyer's request for service or from the date the goods in question are made available for repair, if this is after the request for service.

Article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code: "The consumer has a period of fourteen days to exercise his right of withdrawal from a contract concluded at a distance, following a telephone canvassing or off-premises, without having to give reasons for his decision or to bear costs other than those provided for in Articles L. 221-23 to L. 221-25.

The period referred to in the first subparagraph shall run from the day :

1° Of the conclusion of the contract, for contracts for the provision of services and those mentioned in Article L. 221-4 ;

2. On receipt of the goods by the consumer or a third party, other than the carrier, designated by the consumer, for contracts for the sale of goods. For off-premises contracts, the consumer may exercise his right of withdrawal from the time of conclusion of the contract.

In the case of an order for several goods delivered separately or in the case of an order for a good composed of multiple lots or parts whose delivery is staggered over a defined period of time, the time limit shall run from the receipt of the last good or lot or part.

In the case of contracts providing for the regular delivery of goods during a specified period, the period shall run from the date of receipt of the first goods.

Article L. 221-21 du Code de la consommation : « Le consommateur exerce son droit de rétractation en informant le professionnel de sa décision de se rétracter par l'envoi, avant l'expiration du délai prévu à l'article L. 221-18, du formulaire de rétractation mentionné au 2° de l'article L. 221-5 ou de toute autre déclaration, dénuée d'ambiguïté, exprimant sa volonté de se rétracter. 
Le professionnel peut également permettre au consommateur de remplir et de transmettre en ligne, sur son site internet, le formulaire ou la déclaration prévus au premier alinéa. Dans cette hypothèse, le professionnel communique, sans délai, au consommateur un accusé de réception de la rétractation sur un support durable. »

Article L. 221-23 du Code de la consommation : « Le consommateur renvoie ou restitue les biens au professionnel ou à une personne désignée par ce dernier, sans retard excessif et, au plus tard, dans les quatorze jours suivant la communication de sa décision de se rétracter conformément à l'article L. 221-21, à moins que le professionnel ne propose de récupérer lui-même ces biens. 
Le consommateur ne supporte que les coûts directs de renvoi des biens, sauf si le professionnel accepte de les prendre à sa charge ou s'il a omis d'informer le consommateur que ces coûts sont à sa charge. Néanmoins, pour les contrats conclus hors établissement, lorsque les biens sont livrés au domicile du consommateur au moment de la conclusion du contrat, le professionnel récupère les biens à ses frais s'ils ne peuvent pas être renvoyés normalement par voie postale en raison de leur nature. 
La responsabilité du consommateur ne peut être engagée qu'en cas de dépréciation des biens résultant de manipulations autres que celles nécessaires pour établir la nature, les caractéristiques et le bon fonctionnement de ces biens, sous réserve que le professionnel ait informé le consommateur de son droit de rétractation, conformément au 2° de l'article L. 221-5. » 

Article L. 221-24 du Code de la consommation : « Lorsque le droit de rétractation est exercé, le professionnel rembourse le consommateur de la totalité des sommes versées, y compris les frais de livraison, sans retard injustifié et au plus tard dans les quatorze jours à compter de la date à laquelle il est informé de la décision du consommateur de se rétracter. 
Pour les contrats de vente de biens, à moins qu'il ne propose de récupérer lui-même les biens, le professionnel peut différer le remboursement jusqu'à récupération des biens ou jusqu'à ce que le consommateur ait fourni une preuve de l'expédition de ces biens, la date retenue étant celle du premier de ces faits. 
Le professionnel effectue ce remboursement en utilisant le même moyen de paiement que celui utilisé par le consommateur pour la transaction initiale, sauf accord exprès du consommateur pour qu'il utilise un autre moyen de paiement et dans la mesure où le remboursement n'occasionne pas de frais pour le consommateur. 
Le professionnel n'est pas tenu de rembourser les frais supplémentaires si le consommateur a expressément choisi un mode de livraison plus coûteux que le mode de livraison standard proposé par le professionnel. »

Article L. 221-27 of the Consumer Code: "The exercise of the right of withdrawal puts an end to the obligation of the parties either to perform the distance or off-premises contract or to conclude it when the consumer has made an offer.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal from a main distance or off-premises contract shall automatically terminate any ancillary contract, at no cost to the consumer other than those provided for in Articles L. 221-23 to L. 221-25.

Article L612-1 of the Consumer Code: "Every consumer has the right to have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator with a view to the amicable resolution of a dispute between him and a professional. To this end, the professional shall guarantee the consumer effective recourse to a consumer mediation mechanism.

The trader may set up his own consumer mediation scheme or offer the consumer recourse to any other consumer mediator meeting the requirements of this Title.

Where there is a consumer ombudsman whose competence extends to all enterprises in a given field of economic activity, the trader shall always allow the consumer to have recourse to it.

The methods by which the mediation process is implemented shall be specified by decree in the Council of State.

Article L612-2 du Code de la consommation : « Un litige ne peut être examiné par le médiateur de la consommation lorsque : 
1° Le consommateur ne justifie pas avoir tenté, au préalable, de résoudre son litige directement auprès du professionnel par une réclamation écrite selon les modalités prévues, le cas échéant, dans le contrat ;

2° The request is manifestly unfounded or abusive;

3° The dispute has been previously examined or is being examined by another mediator or by a court;

4° The consumer has lodged his request with the Ombudsman more than one year after his written complaint to the trader;

5° The dispute does not fall within its jurisdiction.

The consumer shall be informed by the mediator, within three weeks of receipt of his or her file, of the rejection of his or her request for mediation.

Article 1641 of the Civil Code: "The Seller is bound by the warranty for hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the purpose for which it was intended, or which so diminish that purpose that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would only have given a lesser price for it, if he had known of them.

Article 1642 of the Civil Code: "The seller is not liable for apparent defects of which the buyer has been able to convince himself.

Article 1643 of the Civil Code: "He is liable for hidden defects, even if he did not know about them, unless, in this case, he has stipulated that he will not be obliged to provide any guarantee.

Art. 1644 of the Civil Code: "In the case of articles 1641 and 1643, the buyer has the choice of returning the thing and having the price returned, or keeping the thing and having part of the price returned.

Article 1646 of the Civil Code: "If the seller was unaware of the defects of the thing, he shall only be obliged to refund the price and reimburse the purchaser for the costs incurred by the sale.

Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code: "The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years of the discovery of the defect.