What are the best foods for beautiful skin naturally?

What are the best foods for beautiful skin naturally?
5 Min Published on 25 January 2022

Nutrition is key to healthy skin and a radiant complexion. Particularly linked to the quality of digestion, the skin is the reflection of a good transit and a balanced diet. Discover here the best foods for a beautiful skin without artifice and our repairing care, preparatory care or our entire cosmetic range.

Chlorophyll-rich foods for a naturally beautiful skin

Green vegetables, spirulina, green beans, spinach and other green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll. Very easily assimilated by the body, chlorophyll boosts the circulation of oxygen in the blood, which allows you to have a fresh complexion and a radiant appearance!
For its part, the avocado is rich in omega 3 and is an excellent source of magnesium and potassium. The potassium allows the rebalancing of the ph of the blood in the body, thus allowing to purify it. Moreover, it facilitates digestion. A good transit is particularly linked to the beauty of the skin!

Among these ingredients rich in chlorophyll, we find spirulina in the DAY+ drink stick. This miraculous algae contains a very high concentration of chlorophyll. This one also makes it possible to detoxify the organization of the heavy metals, detoxifies the liver, brings iron and contributes to the digestive wellbeing by regulating the intestinal transit. Finally, spirulina is a key ingredient to promote the healing of the skin and cell renewal.

Proteins, sources of collagen for rejuvenated skin

Proteins are essential to ensure a good synthesis of collagen and the renewal of epidermal tissue. There are different sources of proteins, animal or vegetable.

Animal proteins

Protein is found in all meats, fish and eggs. Red meat is rich in iron, while white meat is leaner. Fish also contains many proteins and is particularly good for your health thanks to its omega 3 content.

Plant proteins

Vegetable proteins are also very good for stimulating the production of collagen and having a healthy skin. The star foods are legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, but also soy proteins such as tofu, seitan... Vary the pleasures for a healthy and balanced diet, which will guarantee you a beautiful skin!

Your DAY+ stick contains a concentrate of marine collagen and hyaluronic acid that boosts skin hydration and stimulates the production of fibroblasts for plumped, firmed and visibly younger skin.

Foods rich in beta-carotene for a healthy glow

To have a good look naturally, you need to eat well. Include in your meals colorful vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, pumpkin, sweet potato, ... As well as fruits such as papaya, mango, oranges and citrus fruits of all kinds. They will give you a healthy glow and a tanned complexion by preparing the skin for sun exposure. They also help to promote and prolong tanning. This is the secret of a perfectly tanned skin, and this for a long time!

Antioxidant foods for a clear skin

For pure skin without imperfections and a radiant complexion, choose pomegranate, cocoa, ginger, almonds, strawberries, apples ... These are great allies for a healthy and visibly cleaner skin. Green tea also has detoxifying and antioxidant properties, for a purified and hydrated skin from the inside.

DAY+ contains pomegranate extract for an antioxidant action very beneficial for the body and the epidermis. Your skin is clear, your complexion uniform and bright.

Anti-inflammatory foods for smooth skin

To avoid skin inflammation, choose foods rich in vitamin C. It is particularly found in tomatoes, lemons, kiwi fruit and papaya, but also in cabbage! Embellish your dishes with oilseeds such as almonds and walnuts, flaxseed, hempseed... They are also very good for a good skin.

Vegetable oils

For seasonings, favor cold-pressed organic vegetable oils. They are rich in skin-friendly omegas, such as olive oil and hemp oil. This is also the case with fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel or sardines.


Finally, add spices like cinnamon and turmeric to your dishes! They have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. They are often found in Ayurveda, a traditional holistic medicine from India that has been proven over the centuries.

Trace elements

Trace elements such as zinc also help reduce inflammation due to its anti-bacterial properties. DAY+ contains zinc, which is one of the best foods in supplement form for beautiful skin. It significantly reduces blemishes and hormonal acne for clear, pure skin.

Foods to avoid for beautiful natural skin

In order to enjoy beautiful bare skin, you should avoid inflammatory foods that are not easily digestible. This is the case with white bread made from wheat flour. Indeed, it contains gluten and promotes skin inflammation. Avoid also refined sugars which increase enormously the level of insulin in the blood and play a predominant role in inflammation. As for drinks, coffee should also be avoided. This is also the case for dairy products which contain lactose, which is not easily digestible and is inflammatory.

What to replace these inflammatory foods with?

Instead, choose green tea, herbal teas and plant milks. Also, avoid as much as possible cocktails, which are very sweet, and pressed fruit juices that do not contain fiber. Like refined sugars, they increase the sugar level in the blood, creating skin inflammation and therefore imperfections.

DAY+, your ideal food supplement for beautiful skin

Finally, for perfect skin in a simple daily gesture, opt for a DAY+ treatment! Enjoy the benefits of food supplements on your skin, nails and hair day after day. Your skin is more beautiful, younger and your complexion perfect without makeup.


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