Copy of Our story

"I launched into the DAY+ adventure in March 2018, with a strong conviction: that of a product that would revolutionize the taking of beauty food supplements, to do good from the inside with a pleasure gesture. Since then, the dream has continued to grow...just as my vision of beauty has evolved. I had to move on by developing complete ranges adapted to all our uses, with a holistic approach to beauty and well-being. A highly qualitative offer that reflects me and guides you on the path to well-being, day after day."

After 7 years in finance in London and numerous travels around the world, Claire launched DAY+, the first product from the D+ for care brand, in March 2018. DAY+ was born with the desire to revolutionize beauty food supplements and well-being routines. -be.

After years of consuming skin supplements in capsules or tablets, the desire to create a unique solution that was effective, practical and pleasant to consume was obvious. This is how DAY+, the world's first anti-aging drinking stick, was born.

How did you discover food supplements?

“I discovered food supplements from a very young age. My parents being very concerned about their well-being, they consumed it regularly and introduced me to it. It was as a teenager that I became particularly interested in it when I was prone to acne. Food supplements are a very effective alternative solution to improve your condition naturally and obtain visible results in terms of skin, stress management, sleep, etc. It is an incredible solution with incredible power to improve both your health and your health. health and well-being.”

What do food supplements do for you on a daily basis?

"Food supplements allow me to regain power and control over myself in order to boost my metabolism and my energy from both a physical and psychological point of view. They are real natural remedies which allow me to find a balance or to achieve my goals.

In our hyperactive lifestyles, it is a real freedom, a chance and even an opportunity to be able to choose your state of well-being. Maintaining a healthy diet on a daily basis is not always easy. It therefore becomes particularly interesting to be able to feel good from the inside thanks to a simple gesture dedicated to health, beauty and well-being.

More than a new balance, it is a real regain of power allowing you to bring your body to a higher state thanks to ever more effective food supplements."

Why go even further and create cosmetics and well-being rituals?

“I wanted to create moments of gentleness and kindness that allow me to refocus, feel good, aligned with my values ​​and my goals.

With this in mind and to complement our food supplement routines, I launched a range of practical, effective and easy-to-use cosmetic treatments. Based on 100% natural active ingredients, they moisturize, repair and beautify your skin, lips and eyes. To reinforce the experience of well-being, I also imagined four unique infusions, with multiple benefits and Spa rituals to do at home.

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"I launched into the DAY+ adventure in March 2018, with a strong conviction: that of a product that would revolutionize the taking of beauty food supplements, to do good from the inside with a pleasure gesture. Since then, the dream has continued to grow...just as my vision of beauty has evolved. I had to move on by developing complete ranges adapted to all our uses, with a holistic approach to beauty and well-being. A highly qualitative offer that reflects me and guides you on the path to well-being, day after day."

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After 7 years in finance in London and numerous travels around the world, Claire launched DAY+, the first product from the D+ for care brand, in March 2018. DAY+ was born with the desire to revolutionize beauty food supplements and well-being routines. -be.

After years of consuming skin supplements in capsules or tablets, the desire to create a unique solution that was effective, practical and pleasant to consume was obvious. This is how DAY+, the world's first anti-aging drinking stick, was born.

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How did you discover food supplements?

“I discovered food supplements from a very young age. My parents being very concerned about their well-being, they consumed it regularly and introduced me to it. It was as a teenager that I became particularly interested in it when I was prone to acne. Food supplements are a very effective alternative solution to improve your condition naturally and obtain visible results in terms of skin, stress management, sleep, etc. It is an incredible solution with incredible power to improve both your health and your health. health and well-being.”

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What do food supplements do for you on a daily basis?

"Food supplements allow me to regain power and control over myself in order to boost my metabolism and my energy from both a physical and psychological point of view. They are real natural remedies which allow me to find a balance or to achieve my goals.

In our hyperactive lifestyles, it is a real freedom, a chance and even an opportunity to be able to choose your state of well-being. Maintaining a healthy diet on a daily basis is not always easy. It therefore becomes particularly interesting to be able to feel good from the inside thanks to a simple gesture dedicated to health, beauty and well-being.

More than a new balance, it is a real regain of power allowing you to bring your body to a higher state thanks to ever more effective food supplements."

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Why go even further and create cosmetics and well-being rituals?

“I wanted to create moments of gentleness and kindness that allow me to refocus, feel good, aligned with my values ​​and my goals.

With this in mind and to complement our food supplement routines, I launched a range of practical, effective and easy-to-use cosmetic treatments. Based on 100% natural active ingredients, they moisturize, repair and beautify your skin, lips and eyes. To reinforce the experience of well-being, I also imagined four unique infusions, with multiple benefits and Spa rituals to do at home.