The importance of physical activity
Having an active lifestyle is essential to stay physically and mentally fit.
Indeed, moving regularly allows you to stay healthy and improve your well-being.
But in a world where our schedules are already full, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time (and motivation) to exercise.
As our daily lives are made easier by ever more comfort, we are becoming more and more sedentary!
Here are some tips to make your days more active and increase your physical activity:
- Favor cycling, walking or scootering whenever you can: to do your shopping, to get to work, to go to your personal activities!
- If you have children, walk to pick them up from school. This will also give them exercise and help them get used to walking.
- On holiday at the seaside? Take advantage of it to swim every day or to walk along the beaches
- On vacation in the mountains? Go hiking!
- If you take public transport to get to work, get off one or two stops early and continue your journey on foot.
- Finally, take the stairs rather than the elevator
If you are still hesitant, know that numerous studies prove that increasing your physical activity has multiple health benefits.
From a mental point of view, practicing a physical activity will allow you to:
- Reduce your stress
- Improve the quality of your sleep
- Better manage anxiety
- Avoid depressions
- Being in good physical condition will improve your daily actions
- Will help you quit smoking
From a physical point of view:
- Reduce the risk of lower back pain
- Protects against cardiovascular diseases
- Protects against certain cancers
- Reduces the risk of diabetes
- Maintains healthy weight
- Protects against loss of autonomy
The balance between mental and physical health is essential at D+ for care. That’s why we released the Heath and body routine pack.
Our pack is composed of a sports program developed by the athlete Benjamin Axus . This program will allow you to practice a physical activity 3 times a week, accessible for all levels! A "mincier en conscience" program developed by Diet Kate will allow you to cook seasonal products every day and find a healthy and balanced diet. Our slimming trio will also accompany this pack.
If you have set goals for this summer, this pack will be the key to achieving them!