What is chamomile?
Chamomile is a medicinal plant that has multiple virtues. It stands out for its pretty yellow and white flowers, similar to daisies.
The benefits of chamomile
Chamomile is used for its soothing properties. On the skin, it is anti-inflammatory and heals wounds thanks to its antibacterial power. For the body, it promotes a feeling of serenity and reduces the harmful effects of stress. It reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels thanks to its flavone content, with antioxidant properties.
How to use chamomile?
Its dried flowers are most often consumed in infusions. You can also enjoy its benefits for the skin by infusing its flowers in a body balm.
Chamomile as a food supplement
As a dietary supplement, the best of the plant is extracted to provide the body with its relaxing properties. Thus, chamomile promotes restful sleep, reduces stress and soothes the mind.