Behind the scenes of the D+ for care adventure | Meet Gaëlle

Behind the scenes of the D+ for care adventure | Meet Gaëlle
4 Min Published the 25 January 2022

D+ for care is the wellness brand for women, designed by women.

We would like to highlight and celebrate the different profiles of our team, remarkable women who work every day to always bring you only the best of nature and create unique, innovative solutions that address your daily concerns, for your well-being!

Over the past few weeks we have featured Gaelle, Head of Operations. She answers our questions today. Find out about her concerns and the wellbeing solutions that help her to reconcile her professional life at D+ for care, her life as a woman and her role as a mother, once the day is over.

Interview with Gaelle, Head of Operations at D+ for care

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When did you join the D+ for care adventure and what are your missions?

Gaelle: I joined the D+ For Care adventure 1 and a half years ago, first on a fairly ad hoc basis and for almost a year now on a daily basis with Claire and the team. I am responsible for operations, which means that instead of identifying problems, I try to provide solutions to move the team forward. And that's what I like most about being the Operations Manager: making everyone's life easier!

What is your mantra?

Gaelle: " When you want you can, when you can you must! "

How did you meet Claire, the founder?

Gaelle: I met Claire in the winter of 2020 so just before the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, and following our first meeting we immediately started working together.

What is your favorite thing about D+ For Care?

Gaelle: The atmosphere, the craziness, the responsiveness and more generally the work.

Could you tell us about your typical day?

Gaelle: My day is divided into 3 parts. It starts at home, between 6:45 and 8:10, the time when I get up, pick up my children, drop them off at school and go to work.

At 9.00 am, as soon as I arrive at the office, my day starts all over again, I try as best I can, throughout the day, to solve all the problems the team is facing, almost without ever managing to touch my own tasks before the day is well under way.

At 8 p.m., a third part of my day begins when I come home from the office, pick up my children in the evening, and meet my family.

Gaelle and the food supplements D+ for care

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More than just food supplements, D+ for care solutions are an integral part of Gaelle's well-being routine. To feel good in her body and mind, Gaelle shares with us her D+ for care gestures that make her daily life easier.

Have you always taken food supplements and what attracted you to D+ for care solutions ?

Gaelle: I have always consumed food supplements. I have always been convinced that they were the solution, in a simple gesture, to take care of oneself in a natural and efficient way. But it's especially since I joined D+ For Care that my life has changed. I don't take many supplements anymore, but I take the ones that are good and that do me good!

What I liked most of all is their revolutionary galenic, typically, the stick DAY+, I take it with me everywhere, it allows me to continue to take care of my skin, my nails and my hair. All this, in one gesture, has really changed my life!

What is your favourite product?

Gaelle: DAY+ has been my go-to beauty product for a few years now and I can't get enough of it!

food supplements well being and beauty

What to remember about Gaelle's essential gestures

The gestures for your skin

" DAY+ for me is the delicious, effective and practical gesture on a daily basis for the firmness of my skin, slowing the appearance of the first signs of aging and filling in a few wrinkles, but above all it helps to plump and purify my skin.

My skin nourishing nugget ALOHA Repair! As I can't stand to put on body lotion or any other type of cream where you have to wait for it to dry before getting dressed, I've always felt that it's a waste of time and it always bothered me. So ALOHA Repair has emerged as the solution that allows me to effectively repair and nourish my skin! "

Gestures for stress

" I am a huge addict to MAGIC ME which helps me keep up with the pace, to be focused, improve my concentration and stress management to best handle work and the D+ for care team."

Gestures for a slimmer figure

" The NU range has changed my life in terms of diet and appetite regulation. Not giving in to temptation was a difficult test for me, especially during times of stress and when the days are particularly long!

The trio NU was and still is, the solution that helps me have a more balanced diet during my busy days, to regulate my appetite, rebalance my diet and help me feel lighter!"

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