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You love them, try them!

D+ for care bestsellers


Thousands of women have already put their trust in the know-how and quality of D+ for Care products for the beauty of their skin, hair and nails, to find comfort and well-being in order to live each moment of their lives to the fullest, and to take a more respectful approach to their bodies for better health on a daily basis.


Over the years, the D+ for Care experts have enriched our ranges of natural food supplements, cosmetics, herbal teas and facial care products with different formulations that we offer in boxes for one-shot use or by subscription.


Among our range of natural products, some have become essential elements of your beauty, well-being and health routines.

It is our customers who have made our products bestsellers and D+ for care a reference in the field of beauty, well-being and women's health.

Among them are :


The Day+ Perfect Skin range


Marine collagen, organic spirulina, zinc, organic pomegranateand hyaluronic acid, natural ingredients that have made Day+, our anti-blemish drink stick anti-aging, famous and effective.


A triple action anti-wrinkle, anti-blemish and luminous complexion thanks to a daily beauty routine that takes care of your skin, hair and nails from the inside.


The Slimming range


In the slimming range of natural food supplements, all the virtues of plants and fruits as diverse as spirulina, spinach, basil, banana, ginger or cayenne pepper are combined to achieve the perfect slimming routine.


The D+ for care range of food supplements is a metabolism booster, appetite suppressant and slimming agent, and has become a weight loss ally for many women around the world.


The Anti-insomnia range


No more difficulties falling asleep or sleepless nights due to insomnia. Many women have chosen to be accompanied in their search for well-being and a more restful sleep thanks to the natural and effective active ingredients in our Dodo range.


With the Sleep Spray, you spray the various virtues of melatonin, camomile, passionflower or lemon balm directly into your mouth every day to quickly enjoy a better sleep and a better quality of sleep.


The Cosmetics range


Complete your dietary supplement routine with our cosmetic range. With an exfoliating mask, moisturising mask, eye patches and lip balm, our cosmetic range is ideal for a well-cared for, moisturised and blemish-free skin. 


Each of our cosmetic products has been designed to preserve the beauty of the skin while repairing it and making it softer. The active ingredients, 99% of which are of natural origin, act in synergy to preserve your skin and make it stronger.


Enjoy a regular moment of well-being at home and complete your routine with our cosmetic treatments.


Wellness and beauty is not a question of age. Each of the D+ for care products has been designed to meet the needs and expectations of every woman who wants to live healthier and more serene lives.


What makes D+ for Care products so successful with women?


D+ for Care is first and foremost the art of knowing how to draw from nature the elements that are essential for women's well-being, health and beauty.

By understanding all the subtleties and constraints of our daily lives, we have succeeded in reinventing the vision of food supplements thanks to innovative formulations associated with ancestral scientific knowledge.


The food supplements, infusions, cosmetics and all the products designed, manufactured and offered by D+ for Care are produced in France and always selected according to standards and with respect for the environment.


Enabling all women to live their lives to the fullest by improving their health and well-being from the inside out is the essence and values of D+ for Care, which have made our reputation and led to the trust we have with our customers.


Our holistic approach to health and our deep desire to offer you totally natural beauty and wellness routines have enabled us to find favour in your eyes and to convince you of the need to rethink our way of living in a healthy body and mind.

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