NOUVEAUTÉ Poudre Collagène & Vitamines+ : peau, corps, articulations.

EN CADEAU 3 paires de Patchs yeux Hydra-collagène offertes dès 99€ d'achat.
Valeur 27.00€.

EN CADEAU 6 paires de Patchs yeux Hydra-collagène offertes dès 139€ d'achat.
Valeur 54.00€.


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What is Organic Spirulina ?
Victoria Leriche


What is organic spirulina?

The spirulina bio is an alga known as "miraculous" because of its numerous virtues for health and beauty. Organic, it is available in its purest state and contains no pesticides. Thus, its quality is preserved and benefits your energy on a daily basis.

The use of organic spirulina

The food supplement beauty Day + is enriched with organic spirulina. This super food is also used in smoothies, juices, but also as a food supplement for a daily intake to enjoy its many benefits. Indeed, its nutritional powers are incomparable.

The health and beauty benefits of organic spirulina

La spiruline bio est riche en nutriments et vitamines. On retrouve dans cette algue un concentré de vitamines B12, K, A, C... Elle contient aussi des omégas 3, 6 et 9, qui protègent le système cardio vasculaire, renforcent le système immunitaire et améliorent la qualité de la peau. La spiruline bio comprend du zinc, du potassium et du fer. Ces minéraux sont excellents pour une peau parfaite et un organisme en pleine santé. Riche en chlorophylle et béta-carotène, elle permet d'avoir un teint lumineux et une bonne mine toute l'année.

An anti-wrinkle ally

Detoxifying and anti-oxidant, organic spirulina prevents skin aging. Thus, it delays the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The whole for a visibly younger skin. Moreover, it brings freshness and brightness to the complexion. It is a true cure of youth for the skin.

Organic spirulina against skin blemishes

The spiruline bio detoxifies the body and allows to attenuate the imperfections and the hormonal acne. It also allows the elimination of heavy metals which can be at the origin of cutaneous inflammation. Thus, the skin is cleansed from the inside, smoothed day after day and visibly more beautiful.

Start your organic spirulina food supplement cure with DAY+!

This revolutionary beauty stick allows you to take advantage of the benefits of spirulina combined with the anti-aging and anti-imperfection benefits of marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, zinc and pomegranate. Day+ is a complete meal of nutrients and vitamins dedicated to the beauty of your skin.