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Spirulina, your ally for great hair
Victoria Leriche

What is spirulina?

Spirulina has powerful properties for the beauty of the skinof the hair and nails. Focus on its virtues for the hair...

It is also called "miraculous algae" because of its numerous health properties. It is cultivated in warm and sunny regions. Rich in iron, zinc and potassium, it is a real super food ideal to be in full health.

The properties of spirulina for the hair

Spirulina hasastonishing virtues for hair that lasts longer. This algae of the super food family purifies and cleanses the scalp. It fights thus against dandruff thanks to its zinc content and its anti microbial action. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, spirulina promotes blood circulation and purifies the blood. It stimulates the growth of hair day after day, for a sublimated capillary fiber. The capillary bulbs are more healthy and better hydrated. Finally, taking this miraculous seaweed as a dietary supplement helps to slow down the appearance of white hair. All this thanks to its high iron content, amino acids, as well as its pigments (phycocyanine, chlorophyll and carotenoids). So you see, spirulina is your new beauty ally for younger and healthier hair!

The DAY+ stick with spirulina for healthy hair

Our food supplement DAY+ is formulated for the beauty of the skin, nails and hair. DAY+ is the first beauty drink stick anti-aging in France. It contains organic spirulina, associated with 4 active ingredients for a perfect skin and strong hair and nails.

What ingredients are found in DAY+ along with spirulina?

  • The hyaluronic acid : moisturizes the scalp and makes the lengths shine.

  • The collagen marine: nourishes and repairs the lengths, prevents the appearance of split ends.

  • The zinc : regulates the production of sebum, cleanses the scalp alongside spirulina.

  • The pomegranate : vitamins stimulate the blood circulation and stimulate the growth. This fruit with regenerating virtues thickens the hair fiber and brings volume naturally.

DAY+ is your 3-in-1 drinking stick with an ultra-efficient formula for the beauty of skin, nails and hair. Take it everywhere with you thanks to its practical stick format!