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Video interview : Claire Despagne, founder of D+ for care
Victoria Leriche


Video interview : Claire Despagne, founder of D+ for care

Discover the video interview of Claire DespagneClaire Despagne, the founder of the D+ for care brand. She shares with you the secrets of the manufacturing of the beauty stick to drink DAY + and talks about the "funky science" philosophy of the brand...

  • How did D+ for care come about?

Before creating a brand of food supplements, I have mostly consumed them for years. I started with skin and hair supplements. So every morning, I mixed my capsules, my tablets, my powder that I put in my smoothies... And then one day, I got tired of playing the little chemist and I wanted to create a unique solution that would be ultra effective, practical and pleasant to take. That's how I came up with DAY+the first product of the D+ for care brand.

I discover the DAY+ collagen drink stick

  • How would you define the D+ for care brand?

My vision is that the most effective solutions are those that are inspired by our habits. Science must draw on our increasingly different and demanding lifestyles. And this is what we call, at D+ for carefunky science"! More than a wellness solution, it is an attitude, an originality, a state of mind. It is the daily alliance of the need for balance and madness.

I discover the bestsellers D+ for care

  • Funky or efficient?

Funky, of course, and above all effective. At D+ for care, we have chosen 100% transparent compositions. Our products are exclusively French and of natural origin.

  • What is nutricosmetics?

The nutricosmetic is simply food supplements for beauty.

  • Why is it advisable to take food supplements?

The question would be why not!

  • What is the D+ for care lifestyle?

It's a relaxed, free lifestyle. You want to indulge yourself, you want to take care of yourself, and you want to take pleasure in taking care of yourself.

  • The daily goal of D+ for care?

This is my favourite question! D+ for care is here to add a little magic to your everyday life!

  • Suffering to be beautiful is a thing of the past, isn't it?

I can't speak for everyone, but in any case, having fun with supplements is possible with D+ for care.

  • Theanti-aging, it is from what age?

There is a first part that is simply about prevention, and a second part that is more about action. What is important to know is that from the age of 25, our skin cells do not renew themselves in the same way. This is when we already have an initial need for a response anti-aging. So afterwards, of course, we adapt our wellness routine and our cosmetic / food supplement routine to the whole, but we can start taking food supplements anti-aging from the beginning of our thirties.

  • Why reveal the secret of Benjamin Button 10 years after the film's release?

That's my Hollywood side! (laughs) For many years, people have asked me what my beauty routine was, what I did to get such good skin, what my little secrets were... This is also what made me want to launch D+ for care: to be able to offer all my solutions and all my little secrets in ultra-innovative, clever, fun products... to the whole world. That's why I created D+ for care.

  • How do I explain D+ for care to my girlfriends in 30 seconds?

D+ for care, it can't be explained, it can be viewed on Instagram! I invite you all to go watch and follow our Instagram account!

D+ for care is a brand of food supplements created by a woman who wanted to share with the world the power of food supplements and the chance we have to positively influence our body, our state of mind, our energy, our metabolism and the quality of our skin by taking the right nutrients, in the right quantities, of exceptional quality.

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