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November's icons: Claire and Alix, founders of Luz Collections
Victoria Leriche


November's icons: Claire and Alix, founders of Luz Collections


What was your background before launching your brand LUZ?

Claire: After graduating from Edhec, I worked for a year for an organic and fair trade food company and then, with strong ecological convictions, I decided to create Luz Collections.

Alix : I started just after my law and management studies 8 years ago when I was just 22.

What made you want to embark on this adventure? A trigger? A long-term reflection?

Claire : I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and after my experience in the organic food industry, I wanted to create a company that makes sense and respects the planet.

Alix: I was very quickly alerted to the environmental emergency (as early as 2008).

From swimwear to sportswear, through lingerie and accessories, how did Luz evolve between its creation and today?

Like a child growing up! We evolved as soon as we felt able to. We have expanded our products to accompany our customers as much as possible in the world of committed sports.

"Eco is the new chic", tell us more about your brand commitment? Your philuzophy?

All our products are eco-responsible and produced in ethical workshops, this is the DNA of our brand since 2011.
Our entire creation chain is ethical. We have been making huge efforts since the 1st day to offer ecological packaging: biodegradable or recycled. We have always been nature lovers and are very conscious of the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

What is Luz's lifestyle?

La Buena onda! Smile, live, enjoy, don't take yourself too seriously. Work hard and always be demanding. Never forget sports.
But above all Luz's lifestyle is to shine and shine to attract the right people, make the right choices and live every second without regret.


What are the stories behind your products? (zero waste, recycling, biodegradable, packaging...)

Derrière chaque produit il y une histoire, c’est extrêmement important pour nous de créer nos collections tout en respectant un maximum notre planète. Nous utilisons pour nos produits des matière bios ou recyclées, tous fabriqués dans des ateliers éthiques et labélisés. Nous essayons d’avoir le cercle le plus vertueux possible par conséquent nos packagings sont également éco-responsables : biodégradables, matières naturelles ou recyclées.

Luz x Justine Rojat, Luz x Leonard Paris, Luz x Jodie... What are the thoughts behind your collaborations? Personalities that you love ? Values that you want to carry ?

Indeed our trademark is a little bit the collaborations ! We love to partner with a brand or a personality to create unique collections that mix our two worlds. We put a bit of each in these collaborations.

Since we launched our sports business three years ago, we have been looking for strong personalities in this field. This also allows us to diversify our ranges and to think of products that will coincide with the world of


Why start up as a couple? Is it obvious?

We've always been inseparable, it's always been a given.

What are your respective positions and roles at Luz?

Alix is the Brand Development Director. Claire is the Artistic and Production Director.

A taboo to break about doing business with your sister?

We get along great! Often we are asked if we take the bun but we are rather hyper protective towards each other.

Which of you is the most?

  • Creative ? Claire
  • Last minute ? Alix
  • Social networks ? Both (it changes depending on the period)
  • Numbers ? Claire


What advice would you give to two sisters or friends who want to start an entrepreneurial project?

Get pumped up, don't be afraid of anything.

How do you cut work?

Alix: I live in the country so as soon as I see nature I am soothed and I cut.

Claire: When I get home my son runs into my arms, my lover kisses me and it cuts me a lot.

If you could dress your icon, it would be with ?

Our new surf suits arriving in January, to die for...

D+ for care ça vous évoque quoi ? Avez-vous déjà adopté les compléments alimentaires de la marque ?

Claire: On our desk, we are addicted.

Alix: I have had dream hair since I started the DAY+ treatment.

Just between us ... Do you recommend D+ for care to your girlfriends or is it your best kept beauty secret?

We talk about it all the time and especially as we have a secret project together we talk a lot about Claire from D+ for Care.

What is your morning ritual to be in shape?

Claire : Big hug with my son
Alix : Water with lemon

What is your mantra for the end of the year? To stay motivated no matter what happens in your entrepreneurial lives?

Every problem has its solution.

And finally ... "Less is more Less is more" or "More the better"?

So effort always pays off "More the better.